An Inside Look at the New Church of Vatican II by Fr. Michael Oswalt – Novus Ordo Watch

Insights from a former Novus Ordo priest An Inside Look at the New Church of Vatican II by Fr. Michael Oswalt As a former Novus Ordo priest, now a Catholic priest, Fr. Michael Oswalt is in a unique position that allows him to tell truly the inside story of the conciliar sect. This he did on…

Source: An Inside Look at the New Church of Vatican II by Fr. Michael Oswalt – Novus Ordo Watch

The Story of Moira Greyland (Guest Post)


I was born into a family of famous gay pagan authors in the late Sixties. My mother was Marion Zimmer Bradley, and my father was Walter Breen. Between them, they wrote over 100 books: my mother wrote science fiction and fantasy (Mists of Avalon), and my father wrote books on numismatics: he was a coin expert.

What they did to me is a matter of unfortunate public record: suffice to say that both parents wanted me to be gay and were horrifed at my being female. My mother molested me from ages 3-12. The first time I remember my father doing anything especially violent to me I was five. Yes he raped me. I don’t like to think about it. If you want to know about his shenanigans with little girls, and you have a very strong stomach, you can google the Breendoggle, which was the scandal which ALMOST drummed…

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